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Wendy bday party Part 1
Wendy is turning 19 today which means that she is not only allowed to have hook-up but even had an year of her life to get some experience in it. And also this experince will probably be quite handy when you have a huge party with a lot of friends because some of them will be horny for sure. But look slike Wendy should have paid mor etime to organizing this party than to her sexual fanatsies because for some reasons ther eis only one dude among the guests! So now Werndy (with some help form the playe ofcourse) will have to locate a way and make him to get as a lot of his frinds as possible to join the party... Game is made as erotic quest and it is strongly recommended for you to check"how to play" tutorial which describes different ways of interacting with items and active locations.